Monday 29 November 2010


Why not ?

Cavalli, Sonia Rykiel, Viktor&Rolf...Lanvin. Every season after new collection  we start asking ourselves who is next ?
In the last few days there are many rumors about Tom Ford. Is it possible ? Oh yes it is. Collaboration with H&M is more and more important for designers and brands cause money from collection is huge and PR enormous.
But some think Tom Ford goes in some other very luxorious direction especially with his new women line.
In the December issue of American Vogue, Ford confesses  “I do not understand everyone’s need to see everything online the day after a show,” he told Sarah Mower. “I don’t think it ultimately serves the customer, which is the whole point of my business—not to serve journalists or the fashion system. To put something out that’s going to be in a store in six months, and to see it on a starlet, ranked in US magazine next week? My customer doesn’t want to wear the same thing she saw on a starlet!”. So is it possible to see Tom Ford collection for H&M ? think it is.
Very possible cause fashion is first of all money and one of the  best designers in that field is Tom Ford.

About new Tom Ford collection you can read in our special next weekend issue only at

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